Wisconsin BCERP

Wisconsin BCERP

WiBCERP – Wisconsin Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program. A website for the study of cancer being caused by many factors operating at once.

The potential scope of cancer prevention is limited by the proportion of human cancers in which extrinsic factors are responsible. These [factors] include all environmental carcinogens (whether identified or not) as well as ‘modifying factors’ that favour neoplasia of apparently intrinsic origin (e.g., hormonal imbalances, dietary deficiencies and metabolic defects). The categories of cncer that are thus influenced, directly or indirectly, by extrinsic factors include many tumours of the skin and mouth, the respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, hormone dependent organs (such as the breast, thyroid and uterus), haematopoietic and lymphopoietic systems, which, collectively account for more than three-quarters of human cancers. It would seem, therefore, that the majority of human cancer is potentially preventable.”

Two British researchers, Sir Richard Doll and Sir Richard Peto, in 1981 also concluded that “Genetic factors and age also affect cancer onset rates, of course, but this does not affect the conclusion that much human cancer is avoidable.”

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